The foot is subdivided into 3 parts: back foot, middle foot, and forefoot.
Schematically the back foot includes the calcaneum (bone of the heel), the astragal or talus (bone achieving the junction between ankle and foot).
The middle foot includes the cuboid, the navicular or scaphoid, and the 3 cuneiform bones.
The forefoot consists of the 5 metatarsals bones, and the phalanges: proximal, medium, and distal for the lateral toes, only proximal and distal for the big toe.
It has 26 bones in most patients.
These 26 bones correspond to 17 joints. We find a plantar flexion, and a dorsal flexion (extension) at the level of the toes. The pronation and supination correspond respectively to the inclination of the foot inwards, or outwards to the step, or to the running. It is possible to reconcile the terms of eversion (extension of the foot outwards) and inversion of the foot (bending of the foot inwards).
We distinguish the intrinsic muscles (located in the foot only), and extrinsic ones whose insertion is located in the leg.